Most Job Descriptions are Ludicrous. Here's How to Find the RIGHT People.

Photo courtesy of Gratisography

Most job descriptions these days are so ridiculous. Here's why:

--They're written for a superhuman.

--They've been joint edited by two directors, one manager and an HR lead. Which leads to a big 'ol mess.

--They don't prioritize.

--They don't appeal to humans.

--They all sound the same. (Please take team-player off your list of terms.)

--They make the company NOT THE CANDIDATE, the hero of the story.

What they SHOULD include is:

--The VIBE of the person they will work for. What's their STORY? Awards? Cats? Quirks? Style? Are they super into Lord of the Rings or sand castles?

--Priority list of TASKS. Stop making everything a priority. When everything is important, NOTHING is.

--For the love of off-brand Takis....a little humor. Or a LOT. What do you talk about on Zoom when you're waiting for the meeting to start? Stranger Things? The ridiculous teenagers y'all live with? Clear ice? How Amazon is so evil? Leadership?

--SOME mention of your vibe. Hawaiian shirt day? Pickleball tournaments? Wordle?

--SOME mention of your culture! Are you a big on getting permission or hand-slapping? Do you over-invite or under-invite to meetings? Is feedback a theory or is it in practice with frequency?

--SOME mention of what's in your office for the FIVE people who still show up. Succulents? Murals? Rooftop deck? Pinball machine? Lemon bars?

--What they should be OBSESSED with. Details? The customer experience? Consistency? Overcoming brand blindness?

--What should they leave at home? Their ego? Ball-hogging? A territorial attitude? Drama? Their dog?


The bar is LOW. Be brave. Just this once. Write a JD that will get a gold star. And see what happens.

You're welcome.

I offer Moxie, Messaging & Manifestation. Also tranformation. Of people. Of LinkedIn Profiles. Of mindsets. Of more. Call me for free advice.

******And yes, I write job descriptions******

Sales pitches are the devils spawn. (I learned that phrase from V.C. Andrews). Muggles need not apply.

#jobdescriptions #youarebrave #hiring #messaging

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