Have You Burned the Boats?

Whatever you're doing, are you ALL IN?


I talked to my friend Greg the other day.

Greg, the guy who worked for Janus before he joined the Peace Corps (where we met), once hosted a rave in Boston Harbor, now works as a day trader and consults a witch every quarter, and....wait for it.....posts messages about LOVE to the meth addicts that gather in the park below his high-rise. That guy.

(Yes, you'll want to meet him, but later, okay?)

And Greg told me about the BOATS.

Here's the thing:

When you're all in, there's no way to go back.

When you're all in, you turn around and the past has dissolved.

When you're all in, you don't need back-up, because your confidence and certainty is as obvious as the baking-soda-volcano that won you a big fat blue ribbon at the 6th grade science fair.

About Burning the Boats......

********In the year 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived in the “New World” with 600 men, and upon arrival, made history by “burning his ships.” This sent a clear message to his men. There is no turning back! (Talk about PTSD.) Two years later, he succeeded in his complete conquest of the Aztec empire.********

So....Have You Burned the Boats?

Did you light a match.... and then blow it out because it seemed a little safer to have a Plan B? (And yes, I get it, a Plan B is not always a bad idea)

Did you, despite your friend Amanda's question that rainy day at Stellas, refuse to have a strategy for the moment when your SMALL self got up off the floor and got back in the fight?

Did you keep a return ticket in the tiny inside pocket of your purse, along with the the hair bands, stray starbursts, and Barbie ticket stubs?

Did you leave a trail of off-brand Takis along the sidewalk so you could find your way back to the comfort of Trader Joes?

Did you avoid using the word "Final" so nobody would give you shit when you went back to your old ways?

I've done that.

It's no good. (OMG, but its so hard not to!!!!)

Here's Why You Have to Burn the Boats.......

Because if you don't.....

It messes with your motivations--why go in all the way when you don't really have to?

It messes with your presence--one eye is on the prize in London and one eye is pinned to your porch swing.

It messes with your muscles as you pull back the bow.

The Buddha says: "When you're only hope is a boat, and there is no boat, you will be the boat."

Sorry to mix metaphors here, but what can I say.......I just love mixing metaphors.

BOTTOM LINE: If you're all in, you'll rise.

You're brave enough, I promise you.

Tell me about a boat you burned below. That's a lot of Bs.

If you haven't BURNED THE BOATS......and I mean this metaphorically, please don't burn anyone's canoe, kayak or yacht....

Let's talk.

I'm in the business of transformation.

I help people through the LIMINAL.

Put your tiny hand in mine. (Anyone who knows this lyric gets a free postcard.)

Muggles need not apply.


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