Feeling Rushed to Make a Decision? A Brave Pause Gets Your Power Back

Ever felt the pressure to respond immediately?

I have.

Like, every day.


One of my husband's favorite lyrics is:

"In the heat of the argument, I got tricked into knowing how I felt." --Dawes

Hypothetically speaking of course, he JUST might have felt pressure to answer during a heated discussions.

Who me? Fast-moving? Demanding? Impatient? I don't know what you're talking about.....


But seriously......the SPEED OF OUR OWN REPLY is something WE HAVE POWER OVER.

We get to decide when and how we respond. To everything.

--A business proposal.

--A request for a ride to the airport.

--A negotiation for a discount.

--A business idea.

--A later checkout at our AirBnB.

--A date.


Strangely, I'm VERY comfortable saying "Not sure yet...." or "We'll see" to my child, but when it comes to adults, not so much.


I'm grateful to live in Colorado, where people ALMOST NEVER honk at you if you don't BOLT the second the light turns green.

But I know this is a more common practice in other regions....

YEP--to make matters more difficult, society is ridiculously unsupportive. Our cultural conditioning is always feeding us subliminal messages like:

--People are in a hurry.

--You snooze, you lose.

--This deal will only be good for so long.

--The time to act is now.

--Attention spans are shorter all the time--better make a decision.

--You move too slowly.

--Stop being a bottleneck.

--Everyone's waiting on you!

Sometimes we let people, situations and issues take away our power.

So, apart from ********breathing and feeling into our body and closing our eyes and taking a time-out****** (all stuff we read about every day, and I believe works, yet have a hard time implementing) how DO WE TAKE BACK our power?

I don't fu*king know. Just kidding. ;-)

First we get brave. (You probably saw that coming.)

Then we give ourselves PERMISSION to say something like:

--"I'll get back to you next week."

--"I'd like to know more about it before making a decision."

--I'll need a couple days to process this. Look for an email by Monday.

--"I don't know right now."

--"Let me breathe into that and call you in the morning."

--"I don't know, so I guess for now it's a NO."

--Nothing at all.

I double-dog dare you to try it today.

Think this is bulls**t or pure bliss? Please tell me why in the comments!

I'm in the business of transformation.

I help people Surrender (to their calling) Reveal (their messaging) and Rise (to their truth).

And I'm practicing allowing more space between sentences.

Muggles need not apply.


#pause #personal #brand #power #youarebrave #brandmessaging

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