Do you want Feedback or Validation?

My dear friend Ginger Collins, MBA has this thing at the end of every email she sends.

It says.....

"I am a work in progress. Please consider giving me feedback here."

The link takes you to a Google Jot Form with a message from Ginger that says:

"I recently heard someone say that one of the most important things you can do is give people a way to give you anonymous feedback. Here it is! Please feel free to give me feedback - negative or positive - I am a woman in progress. :)"

There's a big text box to leave your comments.

You can leave your name or NOT leave your name. It's up to you.

She's had this as part of her email signature for many years. And I just love it. It is unabashedly BRAVE.

Enter Michael Scott Overholt, PhD.

We were discussing a project of his and he said: "I want feedback, not validation."

And I thought: Well said.

And I wondered how many times I said I was asking for FEEDBACK, but really wanted VALIDATION.

And I wondered how this might apply to my Book or my Articles or my new Earrings or my Singing or Podcast.

Because there's a BIG FAT difference.

How do you accept feedback with grace, insted of seek validation with desperation?

1) Lay Down Your Defenses: Go ahead, put every "Yes, but...." weapon on the floor. Excuses. Caveats. Proof of your effort. Your own knowledge.

2) Listen: Just be quiet. And when they finish talking, remain quiet. Give them time to formulate their thoughts. Wait a full minute before responding. When they see you're relaxed, they will be too. And with that peace, comes ease and transparency.

3) Ask Questions: Dig deeper into every comment. Consider the comment you want to make and turn it into a question. You can do it.

4) Receive & Accept: Most people aren't good at taking a compliment. They suggest their own limitations before receiving the positivity. Now, see if you can accept negative comments without fighting for the other side.

These tools work well for personal and professional feedback as well as...... NPS scores and Focus Groups and Customer Responses, all stuff CX.

If you want real change, be brave enough to Face the Feedback.

That includes your LinkedIn Profile.

When the last time you received feedback? How did it go?

If you want feedback on your LinkedIn Profile, sign up for a LoveFest. It's free, fabulous and other F words too.

****I'm in the business of transformation. Moxie. Messaging. Manifestation.

Muggles need not apply.

#CX #feedback #brandmessaging #youarebrave #feedback

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