It's the Season of the Sticks

Are you in the Season of the Sticks?


A couple weeks ago I went to Hinterland Music Festival.

Houndmouth sang about life burning so bright and pink.

Bon Iver layered music with love, as if baking the cake of existence.

Twenty somethings meandered through the mud, waxing philosophic in their flower crowns, looking for someone to love them.

I made friends with a sparkly-skinned blonde, huddling under her blanket during a downpour.

But along I-80 on the way home, I heard what I call my NBO. Next Big Obsession.

"Season of the Sticks" by Noah Kahan.

I guess the Season of the Sticks is this time in Vermont when the leaves have already fallen to their death, but the snow has yet to tuck them into that good night.

Kahan describes it as the "grim, transitional time between autumn and winter." 

It's the middle space.

The horrible hallway when the rooms of your past have been locked, but the rest of the doors have no effing knobs!

It's messy.


Lots of sobbing.

Maybe some snot.

And this is OFTEN the cost of waking up......


So if you've woken up.....

and you're in the Season of the Sticks......

if you're trying to figure out who you are....

if you're feeling "unfinished" (nod to life-changing coach Tandy Pryor ) and you're willing to wonder "what do I choose for myself from here?" (thanks to awesome-sauce therapist Johanna Lynn) , and you realize you MUST HONOR THIS TRANSITION.....

I dare you to: Spend Some Time Alone. No, seriosuly. (No kids, partner, Netflix, weed or wine)

I dare you to: Begin building a relationship with yourself (no small task) and ask:

1) What am I pretending right now?

2) What do I love to do that's as MUCH about the process as it is about the outcome?


And if you need.......

--New strategies to see yourself

--A bridge from emotions to action

--Soft accountability and hand-holding

--Reflections instead of advice

--To be seen and heard

--Snail mail to surprise and delight

--Some tips on bravery

Let's talk.

I believe in the power of "Homecoming" back to yourself

No Quarterback, No Queen.

********I lead people through the LIMINAL. The Season of the Sticks.*********

A Corporate-HR-leader-Turned-Consultant said: "Andrea, as I walked this journey, your blend of practical advice.... and letting me talk things out..... and reflecting what you heard me say..... was priceless."

A Strategy & Community Engagement Executive said: "Andrea, you made me believe in me, you took me on a journey that challenged me to claim my expertise and experience in bold ways that I was not accustomed to."

Below, please share YOUR tips for getting through the Season of the Sticks.

I'm in the business of transformation. Send a smoke signal if you want to talk. (I'm NOT a good camper, so I can't help with the fire, sorry.) Muggles need not apply.

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