Missing: Effective Direct Messages on LinkedIn. Reward Includes Cash & Lifetime Supply of Starburst

Having trouble writing a Direct Message on LinkedIn that actually gets a response? Or maybe you just love Starburst.

Either way, you're not alone.

I can help. Right here and now.

But first…….

Here are some of the latest responses I’ve received to DMs:

--Wow, you've nailed the intro message :)


--OMG you are speaking my language. Sign me up.

--I never respond to these, but you totally drew me in. Can we get a meeting on the calendar?

--Your writing jumps off the page. Would you like to be a guest on my podcast?

--Your message resonates with what’s missing in my life. Like water filling in the cracks. It’s the human consumable equivalent of physical gold. The more I read your writing, the more gold I see.


Here’s one of my messages:

“Hi Ripley. I SEE you. I see your thought leadership. I see that you have a bigger story to tell. Is it time? I help leaders talk about themselves, raise their voice and make an impact. Want some tips? No sales pitches, just being helpful. Either way, I'm interested in your magic. Let's connect.”

What makes a good message? How would I break down the above?

  1. Authentic Compliments

  2. One Word or Phrase that Stands Out Unexpectedly!

  3. Offer of Value

  4. No-Sales-Pitch Promise

P.S. Any bragging should be NO MORE than 1/5th of the message.


This message is not rocket science. It's not technology. It is PURE ART. It is PURE HUMAN CONNECTION.

Share your favorite (or least favorite, for laughs) DM in the comments.

I'm in the business of transformation. Bravery and magic is required. Muggles need not apply. https://tidycal.com/andreaenright/