Why You Should Shed Unnecessary Stuff From Your Life

Question: How Big is Your Purse?

Are you carrying to much around? 

For most of my life, my purse looked like this:

What was in it? 

--A big wallet with a scrapbook-serving full of worn photos and notes from my beloveds.......

Sunblock......stray starbursts......makeup.....mints......earbuds......sunglasses......a few shells.......a Starbucks napkin.....a blue lighter for homeless people who smoke.....

Somehow it all seemed VERY important. 

And it was VERY heavy. 

But I was SO used to it. 

And when my husband asked me to carry HIS stuff on a regular basis, how could I say no when I had this massive THING attached to my shoulder?

I also remember my daughter saying: "Wow, I can't believe you carry that thing around all the time!"

Then, upon moving to Costa Rica, to adapt a more casual swimsuited lifestyle, and acknowledging that I'd seen lots of 20-somethings with fanny packs (ugh), I switched to this.


And I didn't seem to miss all that other stuff.

Now I'm back and still carrying that little purse. 

But turns out I'M STILL NOT MISSING that stuff.

Why was I carrying all that shit I didn't need before?

--I wanted to be THAT person. The one who yelled "I DO" when someone in the car asked: "Does anyone have a safety pin?" (I've had to let go of that image)

--I think it made me feel IMPORTANT to carry so much stuff....(????)

How do I feel now that it's gone?

Lighter, simpler, easier, lower-maintenance.

What a SHEDDING, right?


What do you need to release in your online presence, in your desk or in your head?

What doesn't serve you anymore?

What is giving you false comfort?

What is just cluttering up your story?

(Long hair, humans, houses, shoes, shame, guilt and that massive poster of Red Hot Chili Peppers you got at a garage sale totally count. I mean, hypothetically speaking....)

As Florence and the Machine says: It's hard to dance with a devil on your back.


If this scares you a LOT, DO NOT CALL.

If this scares you a LITTLE, I can help, here are my deets.

I'm in the business of human transformation.


#personalbrand #linkedinprofile #youarebrave

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